Soap Bubble Wiki
Soap Bubble Wiki

Uroshi Pond Uroshi Pond 28 July 2023

Double bubbles blower product

The other day I found a bubble blower for children at a local store.

Its shape resembles the tip of an electric double bubble gun, but its liquid tray is unique.

I had thought about devising a wand or hoop this way and that, but I had never thought of devising a tray. It was an eye-opener for me.


Product by Kutsuwa Co., Ltd.

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Uroshi Pond Uroshi Pond 20 June 2023

Sugiyama Method (making concentric bubbles)

This is a quirky method of creating concentric bubbles invented by Japanese bubble artists, the Sugiyama Brothers.

I have been doing this without ever really understanding the logic behind it, but recently I have finally been able to sort out the logic of the process.

The image is a frontal spatial view from where the bubbler is standing, facing the bubble.

The first wand is at position a1/b1. Imagine the wand with the bubble film on it being held in the right hand and projecting toward the front. a1 is the left edge of the circle of wand and b1 is the right edge.

From position a1/b1, swing the wand up and lift it to position a2/b2. Once lifted, while holding b spatially fixed (b2=b3=b4), rotate a from position a2 to a3 to a4 (= rotating the r…

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Uroshi Pond Uroshi Pond 13 February 2023

Test for Dawn Platinum

I tried Dawn Platinum sold at my local Costco. (I had experience with Dawn Ultra, but this was my first time trying Dawn Platinum.)

Tap water 5,000ml

Dawn Platinum 180g

BLM 70g

Adjusted to ph 7.5 with citric acid

AM 9:00 / 6℃ / 86% humidity / less than 1m/s

Giant soap bubbles were easily created, but it was impossible to determine whether they were the result of the power of Dawn or favorable weather conditions.

The older version of Cucute has a surfactant percentage of 37%, and Dawn Platinum has 34.3% (as listed in the product labeling section). I feel that 18:1 to 20:1 is about right for Cucute. Dawn Platinum, however, gives a proper color profile at around 27:1. There is a significant difference when calculated by the amount of surfactant. The…

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Uroshi Pond Uroshi Pond 26 January 2023

On the fusion of bubbles

When two bubbles come into contact, their fate is one of the following:

1. become two closely matched bubbles that share a single film.

2. fuse completely into one larger bubble.

The bubble solution of only water and dishwashing detergent is much more likely to be case 1. When polymers are added to this bubble solution, case 2 is more likely than case 1. The difference is striking when two solutions with water and dishwashing detergent prepared under the same conditions and differing only in the presence or absence of polymers are tested side by side.

As is well known, polymers are involved in the ability of self-healing and can detach the bubble from the film without causing the film to fail. However, the above facts suggest that polymers ha…

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Uroshi Pond Uroshi Pond 14 November 2022

DIY ECig Fogger

I built my ECig Fogger as a DIY project.

I used Rick Findley's excellent article as a guide.

Like Rick, I cut a piece of PVC pipe, drilled a hole to breathe through and adjusted it by shaving the inside to fit the size of the ecig.

The difficulty was the gluing: due to the size of the ecig's air intake, the blow-in straw to be glued to the PVC pipe had to be very thin, and no matter what glue I tried to glue it to, it did not work. Hot glue served as a temporary bond and then, surprisingly, worked well as long as it did not come in contact with the surfactant (the surfactant relentlessly penetrates the gap between the hot glue and the material and peels off the adhes…

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