So today I was out for a few hours with three mixes that rested over night.
Temp 22, blue sky and sun. Humidity 50.
Condition windy all over the place.
Pictures: No
Record: No
Fun: Yes
The wind is all over the place, put up the cam one way and it blows the other. So I gave up and just enjoyed the show. My observation of today. Can´t say theres any real differences. Same sizes, closed bubbles, sometimes live long sometimes live shorter. Small bubbles from garland flew so far and high sometimes that it just was incredible. And still none of the mixes really stood out. Popped the same way, looked the same and so on. So conclusion of this is that I need to find a place to put up the cam with the wind in one direction.
So Im probably out again tonight for a night session.
It became dark way to fast so sorry for quality and I took out the best videoclip I could just to show the diffrence.
Temp 14 C, black open sky. Humidity 77
Condition: Soft wind like a gentle touch
Pictures: No
Record: Yes
Fun: Best ever
So I put out my stuff just on the big grass area where I live, nice sky and ok light. When done I make my first bubble and I just love it. Its like the best thing ever. Check the cam and theres nothing, just blackness, so I have to move fast and go for the light, on the street. I bubble for a good while and both mixes just give lovely bubbles but the difference was big, when bubbling I had a feeling for wich one was better but I never thought it was such big diff.
First I have to say that the Edward mix was lovely, it had some very nice dips on my 78 inch top string, just that it didnt make it that well and this best dip of E-mix the string is tangled up and never go out fully, sorry for that.
Enjoy this short ones and next time it will be in the morning light.
My own mix, best dip
Edwards mix, best dip
Sorry for quality and darkness and I wish you could see what I experienced because it was just amazing =) and I randomly asked a girl to film for me and she got so into it, she really loved it so now I "created" a new bubbler :D Been a good day for me today.
And my local newspapers own TV was down filming a bit and asked if they could use the imgs like between adds n stuff. So kind of fun =)
Really one of the best days this year =)