Soap Bubble Wiki
Soap Bubble Wiki

Suizezem Suizezem 5 May 2015

My setup

Today I have an setup thats pretty ok. At least it works for me.

I use tent poles as sticks, works really well up to four pieces, after that they bend to much if the string is heavy. I try to use the original string for as long as possible but quality are never that good so they break over time. That its possible to just fold them makes them really easy to bring everywhere.

I use gems/paperclips on the ends to hook on and off my strings. Sometimes they hook into the string but not often.

I pull most of my items on this old beer carriage but I also have an backpack where I keep the tent poles. I can use the big bucket of just use the smaller on top, if I don´t fill upp the big bucket I can use it to transport water.

My strings, I try to have th…

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Suizezem Suizezem 29 April 2015

A new day

So after almost a year with not many experiments I hopefully now can come back to the world of bubbles.

I have been able to bubble a bit and changing some bit in my recepie but ended in no good juices.

I have found a contact in Japan thats looking into Charmy for me, it would just be fun to use it and se if theres a difference.

I have also looked into Polyvinylalcohol, as its a base ingridient of Mr. Hisao Oono´s bubble juices. I now understand how it works and why his recepie works at all.

I´m not sure what starch do to water, and how it works, need to look into that.

I have looked into making my own starch using rice flour, to see if that has anything to do with it. Have not done a blind test or even side test yet.

Hopefully this year will be …

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Suizezem Suizezem 20 December 2013

One step closer

So happy that I just want to say it because I have just wanted to try it out from the first day I heard about PEO. I may just have found a way to get my hands on some. Its an early christmas for me now and hopefullythe grinch stays away from me.

On a secondary note hopefully theres no snow on New Years Eve, I just traded 1.5 hour of my time that evening to bubble outside the entrance for arriving guests and got my self in with a 75% discount. My christmas and new year looks brighter than ever this year and Im holding my thumbs and toes :D

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Suizezem Suizezem 15 December 2013

3 Wonderful pictures

I was out bubbling when a man came by with his camera and he sent me three pictures back that I just love.

I just love bubbles, one step to the left and you see something else and if you get bored you move a litle more

and then you look at pictures you find something else to love.

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Suizezem Suizezem 24 November 2013

Sweden sucks

So the weather is killing me. I cant bubble. Its around freezing so bubbles just burst but my kids are having fun. The bubbles that survive the landing turn to ice so they "pop" them with there fingers and are fascinated of that they dont break, just get a hole thru them =)

I think I need a indoor place to bubble at.

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