Soap Bubble Wiki
041414 069

Is it an elephant or Jack Frost blowing a cold wind?

041414 056

Simply amazing!



Uncle 2

Round Rainbows.

040914 076


Hello fellow bubblers,

I just found bubble wiki recently and I am so stoked you are all here! I am absolutely overwhelmed by all of the amazing contributions and photos. I make part of my living here on Kauai making bubbles(how does it get better than that?) and that means spreading the joy.

I am amazed when bubbles will turn a 50 year old man into a 5 year old boy in a blink. There is something truly magical that happens when people are around bubbles. They are totally in the moment and completely present even if its just for a minute or two.

It's such a gift being able to share bubbles with others and I feel blessed to know there are others out there who are spreading smiles.

Bubble on!