Soap Bubble Wiki
Soap Bubble Wiki

Foggy Floaters[]

We had some amazingly thick fog a couple weeks ago. So, I obviously had to go bubbling in the fog. More than usual, in my opinion, these bubbles look like they're moving in slow motion. A couple times, I had to look at myself in the footage (moving at normal speed) to make sure I hadn't accidentally slowed everything down. Haha!

I'm using two different wicks for these bubbles. When I'm holding the longer poles (if you can tell), I'm using a 60" top string made from a full-ply strand of Libman Jumbo Cotton Wet Mop yarn with a 120" bottom string made from a single strand of BB&B cooking twine. With the shorter poles, I attached a 48" top string of full ply Libman mop yarn, and a 96" bottom string made from two strands of the Libman mop yarn.

The Footage[]


Good Morning Foggy Bubbles

I know the colours and the angle(s) aren't the best, but it was an amazing bubble session, and I'm glad I can share at least a little bit of the fun I was having. Enjoy!


Foggy Bubbles in Bubble

For these couple bubbles, the fog was just starting to dissipate and the sun was starting to come through. I thought that the lighting was going to be horrible, but it actually turned out great. It makes it look like I made everything black and white except for the bubbles. Well...I guess I did, but accidentally, and without applying and video effects. Ta-da! (The bubble-in-bubble action at the end was a surprise, because it was the third or fourth bubble of that dip.)