Soap Bubble Wiki
2018 10 21 PAM100 or less Tube long

This page gives a couple of basic recipes which you can adjust to your liking. PAM is proving to be a very forgiving polymer in terms of how much you can use. As of this writing (October 2018), we don't yet have a strong sense of what the optimal range is. But 10 grams of a 0.1% PAM solution in 1 liter of bubble juice works well as does 200 grams and you can probably use even more. It isn't clear that there is any benefit to using lots of it, though.

These recipes make use of a 0.1% PAM solution: 1 gram Dirty Gardener Water Retention Granules dissolved in 999 grams of water. One can use a higher percentage PAM solution and adjust accordingly. So far, it appears that 0.3% is about as high a percentage uniform solution as you can make. Attempts at higher percentage solutions have proven futile. (See PAM .)

If you don't mind doing some math, you can adjust this basic recipe as you like to get the soap and PAM concentration that you prefer.

Getting PAM[]

See the PAM article for information about getting the version of PAM used for these recipes.

The "Abstract" Recipe[]

Here is the outline for PAM juice:

  • Some amount of 0.1% PAM solution (anywhere between 10 grams to 100 grams per liter seems to work well with somewhere above 50 grams working perhaps better than 10 grams)
  • water
  • Dawn Pro (or equivalent) or Fairy
  • a pH adjuster (such as citric acid solution, baking powder, or your preferred method)

Because the 0.1% PAM Solution is not very concentrated (concentrated solutions are hard to make and use), you need to take into account the amount of 0.1% PAM Solution you are using if you are trying to hit a target water-to-detergent ratio or preferred Dilution.

0.1% PAM Solution. See the PAM article for the recipe for the 0.1% PAM Solution.

Figuring out a custom recipe. If you want to figure out your own recipe based on your preferred dilution, figure out that total amount of water and detergent that you want to use. Deduct the amount of PAM solution (and amount of citric acid solution if you are using it) that you will use from the amount of total water needed in order to know how much plain water to add.

Example of calculating your recipe. Let's say that you want to make a batch of (approximately) 30:1 PAM Juice using 1 liter of water and will use baking powder as your pH adjuster. You need 1 liter total water and 33 grams detergent (technically 33.33...grams but 33 will suffice). If you want to use 50 grams of 0.1% PAM Solution, subtract 50 grams from the 1000 grams needed to find the amount of water to add. For your recipe you get, 33 grams detergent, 950 grams water (which 1000 grams - 50 grams), 50 grams 0.1% PAM Solution, 1/2 heaping teaspoon (abou 2 grams) baking powder.


You can use water pH adjustment method you want by adjustng the recipes below. You could skip pH adjustment, but we recommend it. It makes for a better performing juice.

Dilution Note. The recipes below are 20:1 because 20:1 seems to be a favorite among bubble juice afficionadoes though people also love other dilutions as much or more. Adjust these recipes as needed for your preferred dilution.

Simple 20:1 Recipes Using PAM Solution and Baking Powder[]

10 Gram PAM Juice w/Baking Powder[]

  • 50 grams Dawn Pro or equivalent such as Fairy (full-concentration version)
  • 1/2 heaping teaspoon (or about 2 grams) baking powder
  • 990 grams water
  • 10 grams of .1% PAM Solution

100 Gram PAM Juice w/Baking Powder[]

  • 50 grams Dawn Pro or equivalent such as Fairy (full-concentration version)
  • 1/2 heaping teaspoon (or about 2 grams) baking powder
  • 900 grams water
  • 100 grams of .1% PAM Solution

50 Gram PAM Juice w/Baking Powder[]

  • 50 grams Dawn Pro or equivalent such as Fairy (full-concentration version)
  • 1/2 heaping teaspoon (or about 2 grams) baking powder
  • 950 grams water
  • 50 grams of .1% PAM Solution

Simple 20:1 Recipes Using PAM Solution and Citric Acid Solution[]

Adjust amounts as needed to make your desired quantity of juice. For about a gallon (a bit less), make a triple batch

10 Gram PAM Juice w/Citric Acid[]

  • 50 grams Dawn Pro or equivalent such as Fairy (full-concentration version)
  • 7 grams 5% citric acid solution
  • 983 grams water
  • 10 grams of .1% PAM Solution

"10 gr PAM Juice": 10 grams 0.1% PAM solution + 983 grams tap water

100 Gram PAM Juice w/Citric Acid[]

  • 50 grams Dawn Pro or equivalent such as Fairy (full-concentration version)
  • 7 grams 5% citric acid solution
  • 893 grams water
  • 100 grams of .1% PAM Solution

50 Gram PAM Juice[]

  • 50 grams Dawn Pro or equivalent such as Fairy (full-concentration version)
  • 7 grams 5% citric acid solution
  • 943 grams water
  • 50 grams of .1% PAM Solution