design by Rick Findley
Rick Findley has come up with a new design for an e-Cig based fogger that is simple to make and produces a larger volume of smoke than earlier designs. We don't have an article yet, but Rick explains how to do it in the video below:
DIY: Basic Design[]
This basic design by Rick Findley can be adapted to a wide variety of materials and other eCigs. The basic design consists of:
- E-Cig with battery.
- Main housing. A simple tube 1 mm or so larger around than the e-Cig and 1/2 to one inch longer. You can either use a found tube of the proper diameter or, as shown below, you can make the tube from plastic (stiff enough not to crumple but flexible enough to roll into a tube), thick paper, cardstock or ..... whatever.
- Stop ring. This is just a simple ring whose inner diameter is smaller than the e-Cig and whose outer diameter just fits inside the main housing. It gets glued into the main housing to keep the e-Cig from falling out. In some cases, it also provides support/stiffening for the main housing.
- Shim. Rick calls this a "pin". Usually a short section of plastic straw. It is slid into the main housing with the e-Cig to hold it snug.
The photo-essay below shows how to make this housing from a cereal box and PEX tubing. What you need are: e-Cig and battery, 1/2" PEX tubing, some tape, and a plastic straw.
Housing From a Cereal Box[]
Housing from a Plastic Soda Bottle[]
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Rick, currently loves the ProTank Mini 3 Dual Coil Clearomizer (1.5 ohm) and a 900 mAh eGo battery. You can pick these up plus a 5-pack of replacement coils and a couple of USB chargers and spare battery for about $22 from
With a 1.5 Ohm coil and a fully-charged 900mAh battery, you can expect the battery to last approx. 3 hours with heavy use.
Rick says: "It is my opinion that any and all Ecig models can be made to work for vaping bubbles if you customize your ecig pipe design accordingly. It is not recommended to modify the Ecig itself. It is also my contention that the volume of vapor beyond what is adequate for your needs is unnecessary. I chose the Protank 3 and Protank 3 Mini (after testing several other models) as they can produce beyond need, are affordable, reliable, durable, repairable, easy to maintain and versatile enough to adapt for several different bubble effects. Others may have their own preferences but the point is this: Let's do this and have fun with it!"