Soap Bubble Wiki
Soap Bubble Wiki

The Protank 3 Mini is still one of the most affordable and reliable ecigs on the market. This very easy DIY vapor maker works great for various bubble effects. This photo essay also contains info on sourcing tubes and material you may not be able to find.


Stealth and beautiful


Very productive for various bubble effects.


I found a plastic tube 15.5mm in diameter. After measuring then length of the ecig (with the mouthpiece) add an inch to the length and snip off the rest


Cut the short piece longways as shown


Slide you ecig inside the tube so it is nearly flush with the tube at the bottom. Slide the short plastic piece in at the time until it stops against the ecig.


Remove the ecig carefully so you do not move the plastic piece you inserted


With superglue, drop 3 drops in various spots at the edge of the inserted piece--the glue will be drawn in between the insert and the tube to permanently hold it in place.


With a large sewing needle poke 4 holes all the way thru the straw so you have a total of 8 holes close to the end of the mouthpiece. VERY IMPORTANT for added airflow. Add more air holes for more vapor faster according to what result you like best.


Fingertip from an ordinary kitchen rubber glove


Fold the fingertip a couple ot times and snip of the very, very tip (snip off less than you think you need to).


The hole should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the straw you use


Pull the rubber tip down over the end of the tube as shown


Tube wrapped with black electrician's tape in a spiral


You can now insert your ecig with straw attached to mouthpiece. Of course, you can shorten the straw if you want.


I wanted this entire design to be black. Black tube, black straw and black rubber tip. I did not want to paint anything , so, I found me some black surgical gloves believe it or not.


As with the kitchen glove, fold and snip


Since the black surgical glove is not thick or strong enough to do the job, I used it to cover the stronger kitchen glove tip.


With the added air holes at the base of the straw and a 1.5 ohm coil you get lots of vapor fast. Since you know approx where the battery button is you can squeeze the tube anywhere in that general area to make your new vapor maker function.


I child's light saber as a source for tubes. I have made tubes from plastic bottles, cardboard and even a sheet of paper. Sourcing tubing is not difficult.

Keep no 1

Repeat for the opposite end but make the hole a tiny bit larger

Keep no 2

Same procedure as the opposite end

Keep no 3

Completed and ready to go

SAM 3272

A steady cascade of "pearlized" bubbles
