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Blog Articles by Date (recent first):[]
pH adjustment test / Charmy Magica
When using P&G products such as Dawn for bubble solutions, it is well known that adjusting the ph i…
Utilization of mini air pump
Following the recommendation of the master craftsman Dustin Skye, I installed a mini air pump (vacu…
my outdoor performance plan
Today, I want to share with you my outdoor performance plan. In my area, most bubble performers lik…
Follow-up report 2 (blower product by Kutsuwa Co.)
Regarding my previous postings, I have recently made several additional experiments, but they have …
界面活性剤23%の洗剤を使用した自作シャボン玉液で飛ばした「巨大シャボン玉」 ``Giant soap bubbles'' made with homemade soap bubble solution using detergent with 23% surfactant
Lighter weight multi-stage garland
The other day, the long wands I was using for my triple garland broke off, so I needed to prepare n…
Dawn antibacterial 3x Do you know?
I am in Mexico and had been making very good bubbles with the original Dawn ultra and guar juice bu…
Follow-up report (blower product by Kutsuwa Co.)
It is well known that bubble film pops as soon as it touches a dry spot.
However, after closely obse…
Soap Bubble Wikiの中で参考にしている記事 Articles referenced in the Soap Bubble Wiki
I am Japanese, so I refer to the Japanese page.
消毒用アルコールを使わなくてもグアーガムにダマが出来なかった! Guar gum didn't clump even without rubbing alcohol!
I found an unused tea set in the house and used it to …
ポリマー polymer
As of Jul…
Double bubbles blower product
The other day I found a bubble blower for children at a local store.
Its shape resembles the tip of …
Sugiyama Method (making concentric bubbles)
This is a quirky method of creating concentric bubbles invented by Japanese bubble artists, the Su…
2023 06 16 Beach Bubbles With Ancient Juice
The past couple of years, I have not been very active in soap bubble research and haven't had many …
Test for Dawn Platinum
I tried Dawn Platinum sold at my local Costco. (I had experience with Dawn Ultra, but this was my …
On the fusion of bubbles
When two bubbles come into contact, their fate is one of the following:
1. become two closely matche…
DIY ECig Fogger
I built my ECig Fogger as a DIY project.
I used Rick Findley's excellent article as a guide. https:…
Test for glucomannan powder
I have tried glucomannan powder.
The glucomannan powder I used is the following product :
Comparative test of old and new version Cucute (analysis by projection)
Around March 2022, a major ingredient change was made to a Japanese dishwashing detergent (Cucute/K…
Anomalous occurrence (and its cause)
It was around mid-January 2022 that I first noticed something strange.
I was mixing the tara gum sol…
Small-scale jumbo juice (with Cucute)
・PEO(WSR301) 0.40g
・HPMC 1.02g
・Water 7,500ml
・Detergent (Cucute) 354g
・Glycerin 30g (used to ma…
About Japanese commercial bubble solutions (a few rambling notes)
I have recently been intrigued by the properties of commercial bubble solutions. In Japan, the bubb…
Triple garlands
I use wands with three garlands between a pair of fishing rods (I call them "Triple garlands" for c…
DIY Bubble Tool : Making a KIB moat using a polypropylene table
I was looking for a moat for KIB (Kid-in-a-bubble) that was easy to set up and solid, but I couldn'…
Tara Gum Trial
In my previous post (Quick test with fenugreek gum (2)), an anonymous bubbler left a comment about …
2021 08 07 PAM Jelly - Ugh!
Just a quick note about making sure you let your PAM (polyacrylamide) fully hydrate and become unif…
Sugiyama Double
Sugiyama brothers, the most famous bubble artists in Japan, publish various videos on youtube. They…
Some my polymer exploration
I enjoy the bubble itself, but I'm also very interested in the process by which it is created.
I won…
Quick test with fenugreek gum (2)
I tested fenugreek gum again.
The last time was probably an overdose. This time I adjusted the amoun…
Quick test with fenugreek gum
The other day, I found an article online about fenugreek being used as a thickener.
Fenugreek endosp…
Gelatin Trial
In 2018, a Japanese bubbler released a Youtube video of a long bubble tube. The tube was long enoug…
Konjac Trial
I have tried several tests on konjac solutions.
There are two reasons why I was interested in konjac…
Try a DIY triple wand
A Japanese commercial bubble company (Tomoda Syokai .Ltd) has created a wand for "Triple Bubble".
Multipolymer Mix: HEC + Sodium Polyacrylate
I tested the combination of HEC and sodium polyacrylate. It was a simple test to see what happens w…
Combination of sodium polyacrylate and Dawn Ultra
I tested the combination of sodium polyacrylate and Dawn Ultra.
Temperature 15 ℃, humidity 88%, aft…
Does anyone one know what are the ingredients used in this?
Hi all, I am in the market for bubble solution for my children. After doing some research, I found …
Burbujas recistentes
¿Existe alguna fórmula para "burbujas resistentes" que reboten o para la realización de esculturas? …
Soap Bubble storage
If I wanted to store Bubble solution in an empty liquid Tide bottle would I have to rinse the bejee…
does anyone know a bubble recipet using gaur gum that the soap doesnt kill the lawn so any detergen…
Effect of time on solutions of Guar, PEO, and PAM
I made solutions of Guar, PEO, and PAM in distilled water and then recorded the apparent viscosity …
Effect of time on PAM solution
Elsewhere on this site Edward has wondered how much PAM solutions age with time so I’ve made a firs…
2018 10 21 Amendola PVA/Guar/PVA Recipe First Attempt Mixing
I experienced a "gotcha" when trying to mix up my first batch of Vincent Amendola's PVA/Guar/JLube …
2018 10 21 Making 10% PVA Solution
In preparation for exploring Vincent Amendola's PVA/Guar Gum/J-Lube recipe , I mixed up a 10% PVA S…
2018 10 21 PAM200 Trial
I haven't had a chance to bubble since the September PAM Trial. I've been curious: how much PAM is …
2018 09 30 First Session with PAM-Based Juice
RogerH3 recently posted about promising results with Polyacrylamide (PAM) as a bubble juice polymer…
PAM - a new polymer for bubble juice
I've recently started playing with PAM as a bubble polymer. It looks promising but needs more inves…